Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Drinking beer under-rated

The latest statistics suggest that Australians are drinking far less. Beer consumption has fallen considerably, however wine consumption has picked up some absolute sales, and a large share of the alcohol market. There are likely two reasons for this:
1. The positive health reinforcements about wine
2. The over-supply of wine keeping prices down

I personally love my wine, and am pissed off that I can't drink it. The problem is that for people like myself beer contains high purine levels which is destined to give me gout if I consume it. The reasons for the lost market share of beer are:
1. The appeal of pre-mixed drinks
2. Probably the greater policing with breathalisers
3. Recession-induced cultural change. The party is over....long live the party!
4. Global warming has caused beer temperatures to increase....Aussies are rightly miffed!
Andrew Sheldon www.sheldonthinks.com

Japan Foreclosed Property 2011 -2012 - Buy this 4th edition report!

Are you aware that you can buy a house & lot in Japan for as little as $10,000. Surprising but true! Japan is a large market, with a plethora of cheap properties up for auction by the courts. Few other Western nations offer such cheap property so close to major infrastructure. Japan is unique in this respect, and it offers such a different life experience, which also makes it special. Some property is in rural areas subject to depopulation, but there are plenty of properties in the cities too. I bought a dormitory 1hr from Tokyo for just $US30,000.
You can view foreclosed properties listed for as little as $US10,000 in Japan thanks to depopulation and a culture that is geared towards working for the state. I bought foreclosed properties in Japan and now I reveal all in our expanded 200-page report. The information you need to know, strategies to apply, where to get help, and the tools to use. We even help you avoid the tsunami and nuclear risks since I was a geologist/mining finance analyst in a past life. Check out the "feedback" in our blog for stories of success by customers of our previous reports.