Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wake up Australia! Gillard must go.

Have you noticed how quickly government goes off track when you have a collectivist running government. Picture this story:
1. Climate change is bad - so need to invest in solar. Huge sums given to fund programs, a great deal of misdirect of money, overpriced panels and installation, and unsustainable subsidies driving taxpayers into the ditch
2. Humanity intrinsic - Need to treat all people with dignity, even if they don't act with dignity. Need to encourage illegal immigration so not to offend sensitive humans with an intrinsic concept of human worth.
3. Climate change is bad - Killing of wild camels to reduce carbon (i.e. methane) emissions.

There is a value system here Australia. But do you think this is a good one. Do you think this is life affirming public policy? I don't think so for several reasons.
1. There is no clear evidence that humanity is detrimentally impacting the climate. This is conjecture at this point, and I'd say the arguments would quickly evaporate if more than 5% of the scientific population used their deductive, critical thinking capacity. Unfortunately, most of them are empiricists, who studied science because they could not make it into economics, or their values were corrupted by a poor education system, or their parents. We are sabotaging the economy, i.e. distorting human decision-making in order to preserve a lie; just as occurred with Vietnam, Iraq, children overboard, etc. Now we are being fed a rationalisation of climate change to kill camels. Next, expect a Liberal govt to use climate change as justification for nuclear. Frankly, I support nuclear, but for the right reasons.
2. The debate is populism: There is no informed debate on these issues. The mob is being manipulated by a Labor government in concert with lobbyists; probably some group inside the ABC who thought this is an issue to drive decision-making. It does not require a conspiracy; it requires an alliance of ignorance.
3. There is no accountability: Smart people are being alienated by a mob who controls government.

The intellectual decay in Australia is remarkable. The Liberals are just better; they are far from satisfactory. Australia - please start electing some Libertarians to at least control the balance of power. Just 10-15 of them, least we descend into anarchy. Frankly, that is probably a good thing. We need civil war as even the Libertarians cannot think. People might need to see the implications of stupidity. I might stay in the Philippines for the next decade. Australia's populism is reaching a new level of stupidity. The same type of stupidity that impacted Europe prior to WWII. Watch a nation be destroyed. It is no paradox that the nation never had it so good. Just 5% of the population produces 75% of exports. The nation never had it so easy. This is why you are all going to hell....well not hell...but a bad place. The looters and thugs are taking over. Gillard is the principal of their school of 'non-thought'.
Great rationalisation. Hopefully the animal & climate greens will cancel each other out. More worrisome is that they might mutate/breed. Fortunately they are so anti-conceptual, they will destroy each other over this concrete political issue, just like the Muslims and Christians in the Middle East. Ok, so they survived. The strategic question is whether they will be sufficiently weakened by their destructive actions. Unfortunately, objective intellectuals are a bit thin on the ground because of our crap education system.
Andrew Sheldon

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